Source :
- 4. Literal Data Types
- Built-in syntax for many data types
- Strings - e.g "hello world", can have line breaks
- Regular Expressions - e.g #"foo", java regular expressions
- Numbers - Long (123), Hex (0x11), Floating point(123.24), Other bases (8r1234 for radix 8), Big Integer (1232131N), Big Decimal (231313.1232M), Ratios (11/3)
- Symbols/Keywords -
- symbols - foo (normal symbol) , bar/foo (symbol with a namespace)
- keywords - :foo (normal keyword) , com.test/foo (keyword with a namespace)
- Vectors/Lists/Maps/Sets
- Vector - sequence of values accessed by an index. similar to arrays. heterogenous (true to all 'collection' data types)
- [1 "two" [3.0 "four"]]
- List - (1 "two" [3.0 "four"])
- Map - dictionary type. has keys and values in pairs. use line break for readability.
- {"name" "RR" "age" 30}
- {:name "RR" :birthday [01 01] [12 34] 97}
- Set - #{1 2 3 "four"}
- 5. Evaluation
- Most things in Clojure evaluate to themselves - Numbers, String, Keywords, Maps/vectors/sets
- Some things don't - Lists/Symbols
- List evaluates to an invocation
- First item is an operation, rest are arguments
- evaluation is applied recursively
- e.g (+ 1 2 4), (println "hello")
- Defining functions
- defined with "fn" operator
- arguments are listed in a vector
- value of the last expression is the function return val
- e.g (fn [x y] (println x y) (+ x y))
- to invoke the above ((fn [x y] (println x y) (+ x y)) 4 5) - the highlighted section being the function and the rest being arguments
- 6. Naming things
- Use "def" operator to create a var
- Vars associate symbols with values
- Value of a symbol is the value of a var
- e.g (def foo 3), (def bar [1 2 {:a 12}]
- Naming a function
- for the above function, (def add_nos (fn [x y] (println x y) (+ x y)))
- to call the above (add_nos 4 5)
- Easier way of naming a function
- (defn add_nos [x y] (println x y) (+ x y))
- the same var is defined for both -> #'user/add_nos
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